The DogLeggs Story

DogLeggs began with a single dog facing a common yet challenging condition: an elbow hygroma.

Greif, a 10-year-old Rottweiler, had large elbow calluses and severe arthritis in both elbows. When he developed a hygroma on one elbow, the swelling extended down to his toes. His veterinarian suggested adapting a human kneepad or applying a padded bandage to protect his elbows from hard surfaces. However, the vet noted that such attempts had rarely been successful and that a dog with a hygroma usually experienced lifelong swelling.

After much thought and creativity, the first pair of DogLeggs was created. Greif willingly wore his DogLeggs, and just two days later, the swelling reduced by half. By the fifth day, the swelling was completely gone! Greif continued to wear his DogLeggs full-time. Additionally, the warmth and constant protection provided by the DogLeggs eased his arthritis discomfort and improved his mobility. Greif, who had struggled to walk a single block without limping, was now walking without a limp and with a newfound spring in his step. He even regained his interest in his tennis ball and began running and playing with other dogs for the first time in two years! Greif's veterinarians were amazed by his transformation.

Our product line has since grown, inspired by veterinary professionals seeking alternatives to traditional bandaging or solutions where none previously existed. In honor of Greif, every DogLeggs product bears his paw prints: three toes on his left paw and four on his right.

We continue to expand our list of products and hope you find what you need among those described on our website. If your needs are not met by one of our products, please contact us. We may be able to design a custom solution or refer you to one of our partners who can help.

Thank you to the many thousands of customers who have trusted us with their pets' care. We derive immense satisfaction from the success stories we hear from veterinarians and pet owners about the positive impact of our products.