What Is an Ehmer Sling Used For?
Perhaps one of the most well-known slings used in veterinary medicine, the Ehmer Sling prevents dogs from bearing weight on an affected hindlimb. Veterinarians use this special binding technique for a wide range of conditions and reasons.
Although the Ehmer Sling is most commonly used for open and closed reductions of craniodorsal coxofemoral luxations, many veterinarians also use the sling for other conditions and situations where preventing weight-bearing is important. Other common uses include post-operative management of acetabular, femoral head, and certain femoral fractures, as well as prevention of quadriceps tie-down following internal fixation of femoral shaft, supracondylar or distal physeal fractures in immature dogs. Occasionally, veterinarians may also use an Ehmer Sling to encourage weight-bearing in the contralateral limb during rehabilitation therapy.
Most dogs require anesthesia prior to application. This allows the muscles around the injury to relax enough to properly secure the limb. Once applied, the Ehmer Sling prevents movement and weight bearing on the hindlimb.
Effective Alternative to Traditional Bandages
Until recently, Ehmer Slings were typically constructed from traditional bandages and tape. While this method provides adequate support, the bandage can become less effective over time. As fur, dirt, and debris accumulate on the adhesive, bandages can fall off or become loose, preventing the sling from properly securing the limb. Another issue, fur and skin can become stuck to the tape. This can increase discomfort and irritation for the dog. As dogs attempt to remove the bandage, they may pull at their fur, increasing the chance of injury and irritation.
The DogLeggs’™ Ehmer Sling provides an effective alternative to traditional bandages. The unique design of the sling allows for easy application and removal. The sling does not require the use of tape, reducing the chance of skin irritation. When necessary, veterinarians can quickly remove the sling for rehabilitation and examination. Re-applying the sling takes minimal effort. The Sling is machine-washable, making it possible to reuse the product.
Easy-To-Use, Reusable Product
Unlike traditional bandages, which may include a number of components, the DogLeggs™ Ehmer Sling is one piece of fabric. Depending on the needs of the dog, veterinarians can position the sling to support either hindlimb. The sling holds the hock firmly in place and connects easily to the DogLeggs™ VEST via hook and loop fasteners. Because of the unique design of the VEST, veterinarians can position the Sling in a number of different ways.
The DogLeggs’™ VEST with Ehmer Sling prevents movement of the rear leg. It is only available through a veterinary prescription. The Ehmer Sling comes in a variety of sizes ranging from XS to XXL. Custom sizes are available upon request.
Veterinarians can order the VEST with Ehmer Sling based on need. DogLeggs™ ships the product directly to the veterinarian. Ordering a variety of sizes ensures the veterinary practice stays fully stocked. This could be beneficial during emergencies or times when waiting for delivery isn’t possible or advised.
DogLeggs’™ offers a variety of products designed to treat and support a wide range of conditions. Please contact us for more information about the DogLeggs’™ VEST with Ehmer Sling.